April 2, 2012
Spring Book Talk
1. Meet, Greet, Eat
2. Visit Blog: http://hancockteachertalk.blogspot.com/
3. Due: “Setting the Stage” p. 3-11 What can we do to set the stage?
Please complete a Coding Strategy sheet: 5 minutes.
Find a partner to share and compare your Codes.
4. Preview Chapter 5 “Informational Text.” Keep your Unit in mind.
5. With a Partner experiment with Planning for your Unit: see the template.
6. Our Assignment:
Carol & Rebecca, please read pp. 71-75 before next week. Read pp. 167-169. Stephanie, Jen, Allyn, Jo, and Jacquie: Read pp. 167-169 USE THE CODING STATEGY WHILE YOU'RE READING. Blog Discussion: Please go to blog for the topic and the Post. Comment away!!
Next Meeting: April 9, 2012.
Contact Hours awarded= 1 CH per hour 1.5 CH per group session.