Saturday, March 2, 2013

Literacy Strategy of the Week

Sum It Up

Click here------->  Sum It Up and Lesson Closure strategy
Scroll to bottom of this link where you'll see the red links for the templates.  

Leave a Comment or 2,3.... to qualify for the prizes.  TBA.

Tunk Lake
Think Spring!


  1. I love this idea, I just have to figure out how to apply it in math. Maybe when learning a new concept, kids could "sum it up" for someone who is absent? Any thoughts?

  2. Oh, good question. I noticed that the site I linked included a Sum It Up Closure strategy which I think works for all of us. It's one of the red hyperlinks down further on the page. Good luck! Or how about a chapter Sum It Up? Whole Group?

  3. Activities like these lend themselves to the use of Google Docs quite well in the older grades. Collaboration, real time editing, and teacher conferencing.

  4. I am wondering if we couldn't use this as a strategy to review for our chapter assessment? I think I found something, maybe you can look it over with me J?

  5. Maybe we'll have a few minutes at PLC?
