Tic-Tac-Toe Notetaking Grid
A few years ago I learned about this strategy from Valerie Sprague. My students are still learning how and why it's necessary to take notes when are searching for info and they find it. They tend to want to skip this step.
This tool works really well for all classes. I put a template for younger students and one for older students on our staff room fridge. It's neat because they can cut these out and place them in piles for their topic paragraphs. I learned about another neat idea where the kids sketch an idea in the middle square and add notes about it all around!
More ideas--------------> http://freeology.com/graphicorgs/tic-tac-toe-note-taking-form/
I've used this and LOVE it! It really does help that students can cut this apart to organize information. Works especially well with research projects.