Tuesday, September 1, 2015

ELA Teachers Might Find This Resource Useful

One of my favorite things to do is blog.  Last count I had 6 current blogs going!  What is wrong with me!!   However, the Teacher Talk blog stalled out last Spring, but I've returned, with my Literacy Facilitator hat on,  to a commitment of posting regularly.

First, I must say this.  If anyone needs resources to build lesson plans that include a specific literacy component, please please let me know.  My Masters is for Literacy,  and a great deal of the work we've been doing on the Literacy Team has been focused on content literacy.

My first blog of the new school year is this…I am emailing a link to all Staff and offering a set of materials you might like to use these first few days.  They may need tweaking for younger ones, but I will be using these with Grades 6-8;  I'll share with you.  They came from Erika Forth, a TpT person (though she specifies single classroom only, copyright allows my purchase to be used for nonprofit in schools).

Hope you have a positive and productive start to your year.

Cutler Harbor Summer 2015


  1. Thanks for having this and being such a great advocate and resource!!

    1. Hi Jo, thanks for your interest. I appreciate you, too!
